We're TUFSA!
We are the Tohoku University Foreign Students Association (TUFSA) and represent all international students at Tohoku University. Established on November 3, 1965, TUFSA has been around, and has organized activities for more than 50 years.
Currently, TUFSA consists of more than 40 active members, from over 15 countries. We believe in equality, friendship and diversity, and embrace these core values by organizing educational, interactive and voluntary activities throughout the year. TUFSA also provides international students at Tohoku University with essential information about life in Sendai and Japan. We work closely with other international associations on and off campus, including MIA (Miyagi International Association), SenTIA (Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association) and @home, for the benefit of the international students.
TUFSA provides a platform for international exchange and strengthens the tie between International and Japanese students of Tohoku University with the aim of making their life in Sendai a memorable and life long experience.
Our values: Diversity, Responsibility, Friendship and Respect.
50th Anniversary of TUFSA (November 2015)
What do we do?
We organize many activities throughout the year:
Social Events (dance parties, BBQ, picnic)
Educational events ('Say it in English')
Engagement with local community (International festival, Volunteer work, Charity events)
Support of International Students (Newsletter, Buddy program)
And many more...
Our main event is the annual Tohoku University International Festival, the biggest international event in Tohoku region, attracting 5000 guests every year.
TUFSA also provides a platform for interaction between the international students and people of Tohoku region to improve relations, understanding and awareness of the various cultures around the globe.
Become a member!
TUFSA welcomes Tohoku University students from all countries and all programs as members!
If you would like to join us, simply follow the link below and fill our application form, we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Or simply join one of our meetings!
We meet every Sunday 7:00 pm (Sep-Jan, Mar-July) in our office, at the Intl House Sanjo 1, 1F.